Accounting & Tax

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

An LLC is a legal business entity that combines the benefits of limited liability protection with the flexibility of a partnership.

What it is: An LLC is a legal business entity that combines the benefits of limited liability protection with the flexibility of a partnership. It is a popular choice for small business owners looking to separate personal and business assets.

Why it is important: LLCs provide liability protection, shielding owners' personal assets from business-related debts and obligations. Additionally, they offer flexibility regarding taxation, management structure, and operational decision-making. LLCs are relatively easy to form and maintain, making them an attractive option for startups.

Formulas: There are no specific formulas associated with LLCs.

How to use it in the context of startups: Startups can structure their business as an LLC to protect personal assets, simplify tax obligations, and retain operational flexibility. By forming an LLC, startups can establish a separate legal entity, attract potential investors, and comply with legal requirements applicable to their jurisdiction.

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